JWinsulatorsThe timing of the 2021 INMR WORLD CONGRESS has now been officially changed to the announced back-up dates of Mar 27-30, 2022.
We made this difficult decision after careful consideration of all that has happened over the past weeks, from the ‘third wave’ now hitting many countries to delayed vaccine rollouts. At the same time, being able to hold an international event of this scale in Bangkok before Jan. 2022 no longer seems certain given current travel restrictions and rules about maximum number of people allowed to participate.
We sincerely regret any inconvenience this might cause those planning to attend. But a delay of only about 18 weeks is far less important than risking safety. It is also the best way to ensure that international travel will again have returned to a state close to ‘normal’.
We also announce new back-up dates of Nov. 6 to 9, 2022 at the same venue in Bangkok in the unlikely situation that such events can still not be held safely and conveniently by Spring 2022.
Please visit: for all details of this event, which features 110 lectures by experts from across the globe as well as a PRODUCT & TECHNOLOGY EXHIBITION.
Thank you for understanding the decision to postpone.
Marvin Zimmerman